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Lin's Voice

works like this

Pricing Your Project

I always aim to agree a fair price, based on the industry standard rates and those approved by British Equity.  My prices reflect my experience, the quality of my work – and above all, the value my voice brings to your project.


That’s why it’s so important for me to get a full understanding of your Brief. Why not Contact Me to talk through exactly what your project involves? 


Then we can chat about tone, pace, deadline, usage - and of course, cost - after which I'll send you confirmation, then go ahead and absolutely nail it for you!


Usage & Buyout

If you're unfamiliar with usage fees and when they're applicable, have a look at, the industry-standard website that helps you do the sums.


Once you’ve let me know how you plan to distribute the recording, we can work out a deal that we both find fair.

Just so's you know: when a usage fee applies, I don't usually agree to a buyout in perpetuity - but I'm always happy to talk it over. 

Turnaround Times

I turn work around as quickly as I can, depending on the length and complexity of the recording.


Just let me know what you need and by when; I’m a woman of my word and once I’ve agreed a deadline, I won’t let you down!



I check every job very carefully to make sure I’ve read the script 100% correctly and followed every aspect of your brief to perfection.  If I should still happen to make a mistake (unlikely, but… well, you never know), you can expect me to put it right quickly, and for free.

Retakes for other reasons - script amendments, or a new instruction about emphasis or tone, for example - does mean you'll incur a further fee.  How much will depend on the complexity and time involved.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure we start off with as clear and detailed a brief as possible. So I'll be asking you lots of questions when you first Contact Me!

The Lin’s Voice Invoice

I hope you understand that as a sole trader, it’s vital to me to establish good relationships based on trust and fairness. 


Naturally, I’m always happy to undertake work for new clients, and because I do so in good faith, I often ask for a first-time upfront payment of 50%.  For longer jobs, I may suggest we agree on interim payments following each stage of delivery.

Otherwise, I'll invoice you when the job is done and I’ve checked to make sure you’re completely happy.  My invoice terms are 28 days.


Recording Location 

All Lin's Voice recordings are self-directed from my home studio in West London.

          Click to hear a sample of my home studio recording quality.


But if you prefer, travelling to a London production house of your choice is no problem, and there's no extra fee - as long as you'll cover the cost of taxis, in the event of public transport being unavailable or impractical.  

Thank you - drop me an email or give me a call about your project, and I look forward to working together!

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Privacy Policy


As a supplier of voiceover services to you, collecting and processing information about you is a legitimate part of the business we do together. In doing so, I promise to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by keeping your name and company name, phone number, postal address and email address digitally, and ensuring it is protected by suitable and adequate passwords and security software.


My purpose in doing so is administrative, enabling me to communicate with you as I discuss, undertake and deliver the voiceover services you require, and to invoice you for them. I will not use your data for any other purpose.


Retention of Data

Having supplied my voiceover services to you, I will retain your information for as long as I need to communicate with you. This is because a contract or business arrangement exists between us, as well as to satisfy my legal obligations related to HMRC. There may also be a need to pass your data to a third party in order to fulfil my legal or contractual obligations as requested by you.


As a supplier of yours, I may send you updates about Lin’s Voice, but based only on legitimate interest.


Your Rights

Under the GDPR, you have the following rights:

  •  to ask me for a copy of any data I hold about you

  •  to have any data I hold about you that is incorrect, corrected

  •  to object to the use of your data

  •  to have your data provided to you to take elsewhere in a suitable format

  •  to have your data deleted in certain circumstances

  •  to lodge a complaint about the use of your data with the Information Commissioner


For details, please visit the Information Commissioner’s website at


If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact me at

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